Sunday, December 11, 2011

Life on Gang Mangga (Mango Alley)

Nestled into the small village of Tiron in East Java, its easy
to pass right by Mango Alley without
knowing it, just like I did on my first trip here.

But if you take a left and head down Mango Alley, there's a story
to be told...

...Pass by the neighbors waiting out the afternoon heat
on their front porch, come to the end of that alley, and
you'll see this house.

There lives a simple mango farmer & his family -
wife, son, daughter, & father-in-law.
(Above) Next door often sits their widowed, 90 year old+,
great-uncle, who cuts his own firewood & still
raises chickens.....

Nowadays when mango season is in full swing, this place comes alive!  Mangos are rolled in from the local farmers to be peeled, sliced, dried, & packaged by the families that grow them!

This home industry is providing new opportunities for
their families' and community!
These women often rise early in the morning to complete a few household chores before coming to work around 7am.  They are able to make extra income to send their children to school & provide other family needs before returning home by mid-afternoon to attend their families'.

These ladies' presence makes the once quiet house at the end of Mango Alley alive with activity & laughter.
While mangos dry in the oven, the front porch is often
 busy with conversations late into the evening.

Yup, take a left down Mango Alley and there's much more to be discovered!