Saturday, October 15, 2011

Traveling around Medan

There's lots to see in the fourth largest city in Indonesia and the largest city outside of the island of Java.  Medan is located in North Sumatra and has a culture of its own...

This is the capital building for the province of North Sumatra.  A
large white building located in the central part of Medan, with a
mosque open to the public next door and mall on the backside.
(Left) A statue of Guru Patimpus who founded the city of Medan.

While traveling around the city, one of the uncles took me to see the
apartment complex he and his family will be living in soon.  Quite
impressive and spacious!
(Right) The Great Mosque built in 1906 in the Moroccan style by the
Duth architect Dingemans.  It is close to the Maimun Palace where the
Sultan Deli still lives, although he now has no political power.

Located near the city's center is the building/house of the person who
brought Islam to North Sumatra.  My friend will be writing his final paper
about this person and place.
(Right) Selling rambutan on the side of the road.  One of my favorite fruits
in Asia, and there were plenty in Medan!
We visited a new, large Buddhist temple, which
reflects the number of Chinese that live in Medan.
There is also an area in the city where many Indians
live.  A very diverse city.

With all of the traveling around Medan we did, we of
course had to stop to eat a few times and enjoy some
of the special foods from Medan.  (Above) I ate a
special kind of soto (like a soup) from Medan with one
of the uncles.  (Left) The cousins stopped to get a cool
drink - "es buah" fruit & ice mixed with a sugary drink!
The motorized becek is special to Medan.  While the
becek is a common form of transportation through
Indonesia, usually it is pedal powered with a man
pedaling from the back.  This beceks are motorized
with a motorcyle attached to the side.  I rode a little
more comfortably in the family's cars.

Driving around Medan can wear you out!
(Right) While visiting friends during the holiday break, we ran across
some folks who discovered this monitor lizard crawling around.  It had
eaten two baby cats, which it was forced to throw back up.  

While many of our days were spent traveling Medan and
visiting friends, the evenings were often spent at the
house hanging out with the family.  (Above) Playing games for pride isn't enough, punishment makes it more fun, especially when everyone will lose.  Here the punishment is to be hit with handfuls of flour.
(Left) Visiting on the "front porch" while eating durian, another new favorite fruit!
One of the uncles had some fun putting on the
monkey mask and playing the role as he danced
while the kids sang.  An hilarious evening!
(Right) A hobby that seems to have taken the world,
taking pictures and then observing them together.

Lots of memories and relationships made in Medan!