Tuesday, April 26, 2011

Indian Music in Indonesia!?

The past few weeks its been difficult to turn on the tv and not hear the song "Chaiyya Chaiyya" and see Norman Kamaru, a policeman from a small town on the island of Sulawesi who has made it big since a film of him lip-syncing "Chaiyya Chaiyya" on Youtube went viral a few weeks ago.  Now he has been seen on almost every celebrity show and the news tends to give updates on what he is doing.  It seems the country has fallen in love with his charismatic personality and singing style.  Check out his first clip below - its pretty funny and a catchy tune.
While Indian music can be heard in Indonesia, I wouldn't say its all that common, as Indonesian certainly has its own music and actually quite a variety of music as the different people groups and cultures of Indonesia have ranging styles and songs.  In Bandung, gamelan degung, gamelan salendro, and tembang sunda are the more traditional types of music (Music of Indonesia).  While these are heard at ceremonies, various events, and other traditional events, the internet and globalization in general has brought music from around the world.  For example, Justin Bieber recently made a stop in Jakarta for a concert and Michael Jackson was a big hit here in his day.